UCONN Home Lending Companies

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Early peer-to-peer platforms had few restrictions on borrower eligibility, which resulted in adverse selection problems and high borrower default rates. Survivors of disasters like Hurricane Sandy frequently suffer post-traumatic stress symptoms like recurrent nightmares, flashbacks and a hair-trigger temper, but research has also revealed that we can mitigate the psychological fallout. With a minimal staff and rented equipment, the public station in New Jersey has broadcast up to three live newscasts, with many news breaks a day to keep up with the hurricane. Just Military Loans is unique among other military lending companies in that it allows payments to be made over an extended period of time.

Private equity firms that specialize in buying distressed assets also are on the lookout. As peer-to-peer lending companies and their customer base continue to grow, marketing and operational costs continue to increase, and compliance to legal regulations becomes more complicated. For questions regarding LinkedIn Company Profiles contact us.

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70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012