UCONN Home What A Debt Settlement Letter Should Say

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JM – If I understand your comment correctly, you paid for a settlement service on the one larger account that they did not resolve for you. Hiring a debt settlement company or debt negotiator to do all the settling does not remove the need for you to have documentation. The associate advised they don’t have an address to give me and it was unlawful to do so. Letting them know you are doing so as a result of what a debt settlement letter should say their policy to not release the terms in writing.

Just be aware that it is likely “Midland Funding” that bought it. He tells me he isn’t authorized to offer this reduced what a debt settlement letter should say amount and that he must get an approval to do so. If you do this, I would encourage you to get the certified check issued from your own bank with the amount drafted from your bank account for later tracking and proof of payment ease, should you ever need it.

I thought we’d give it 45 days or so, then order all three, see what’s on them and go from there. Kindly confirm if such document is a good one.

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