UCONN Home Streamline Refinancing

Industry News

The FHA has a scoring system based on the performance of each lenders FHA loans. Homes that are underwater are still FHA Streamline-eligible. In a sweeping guideline update, in April 2011, the FHA abolished verification for practically everything on an FHA Streamline Refinance mortgage application. We were done and out of there in less streamline refinancing than 45 minutes, start to finish.

It makes shopping for the home, negotiating the price, and the home inspection seem easy for most people. If you qualify for the new streamlined plan, you could lower your interest rate to 3.875% and your monthly principal, streamline refinancing interest and mortgage insurance to $928.92 — an immediate savings of $147.51 a month or $1,770.12 a year. You can be unemployed and get approved for a FHA Streamline Refinance so long as you still meet the other program requirements.

To learn more, read through our FHA Refinance Terms page. Witness fees and mileage, if any, may be awarded by the court.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012