UCONN Home Online Savings Account

Industry News

Basically what it is is a checking account with all your usual perks. People who are a mess act out and attempt to tear others down, like what we saw above. On the other hand I really love my ING account — I like the web interface and security features. I’m one of those people who wants to do EVERYthing online online savings account and thinks that everything should be instantaneous.

A co-worker recently tried HSBC because he wanted to make a bit more money than his ING account, he left after three weeks due to the horrible interface and lackluster customer support. Transfers are only 1-2 days between Fidelity and BofA so pretty quickly.

Full time and part time schedules are available. With ING I paid $0.00 in fees and earned $1,230 in interest.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012