UCONN Home Debt Settlement Option

Industry News

The consultation should be free and could help erase the negative stigma associated with bankruptcy. Most collection agencies will offer some form of reduced settlement in order to clear the account from their books. Debt settlement is not the same as debt counseling or consolidation. Unfortunately, many debt settlement companies don't deliver on their promises debt settlement option and vulnerable consumers don't truly understand what they are signing up for.

Paying off your debt will be a lot better for your credit than debt settlement. You can negotiate a debt debt settlement option settlement on your own. Alternatively, the credit card companies are not hesitant to pursue their legal and legitimate options to collect their debts which consists of suing their customers and garnishing or levying their personal property.

This means you are relieved of your legal obligation to pay them back. Maybe major medical has reduced their income to the meager pittance that SSI provides.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012