UCONN Home Banks Offering Credit Card For Those In A Chapter 13

Industry News

After you’ve spent some time establishing good credit through a secured credit card, department store credit card, or some other method, you may begin thinking about getting a regular credit card from a major bank. Currently, we do not have the money to negotiate without tapping into IRAs, however are hopeful of coming up with about $15,000 in the next couple of months from the sale of my parents home. They often open accounts with a very low credit limit. I have met with a couple of bankruptcy attorneys and know we would qualify for chapter 13 but am not sure what our 60 month payment plan banks offering credit card for those in a chapter 13 would be although it could be at 100% plus 10% for the trustee and attorney fees making the monthly payment $4,000 for 60 months.

Here’s how a secured credit card works. As at 30 June 2012, 571 assignments had been completed since JASPERS started operations in 2006 and a total of 275 JASPERS-supported applications had been submitted to the EU Commission, of which 192 approved.

This plan is for a minimum of 36 months and can extend to up to 60 months. We continued to pay our cards for close to 2 years until we had no savings other than IRA’s.Finally decided to stop paying all her cards and a few of mine over the last 6-13 months to ease the immediate financial burden.

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New York, NY 10012