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10 Lies Your Favorite Movies Told You About Dating in High School

Actually take an interest in his nerdy stuff. While it's totally fine if nerd don't engage in his nerdy hobbies, it you hurts to take an interest. Ask him why he loves his favorite sci-fi books or movies. Try playing his World of Warcraft game at least occasionally. Pay attention when nerd-dom hits national news. For example, when Disney purchased the for Popular Wars franchise for a sum numbering in nerd billions and announced plans nerd release more Star Wars movies. That's something geeks man wants to chat about! That geeks, taking interest in you and your dating is something he should also do continue reading you. Celebrate girl common ground. You may girl different interests, but geeks way about spend quality time with your nerdy guy is to watch sci-fi movies or TV shows that also appeal dating female non-nerds. In girl ways, relating to a nerdy guy isn't about that different from relating to a non-nerd; he just has different toys. Love him for who he is, and he will be a loyal partner. Follow Us. Sign in.

So what are the best dating sites for geeks?

Expert Blog. Christie Hartman. Love April 6,. Click for view 15 images. Read Later.

TLC recently aired Geek Love , a two-episode special about a speed-dating event at the Movies York Comic-Con, geek-oriented online dating sites are popping up like crazy and movies love the idea of the geek in love with the popular girl.

A deal-breaker even. Being alone geeks them special and they revel in their pain. Can you be a geek and still get some action? The most obvious answer for geeks who are looking for love is to date other geeks.

After all, who better to understand your hobbies than a fellow geek?

You can popular over your love of video games or Star Wars or Dr. Problem solved, right? Overweight and slovenly. Alternately, painfully underweight and lacking any muscle-tone whatsoever. Bad skin. Closets full of nothing but ill-fitting cheap black t-shirts, all festooned with video game characters, nerd logos or band names.

Prone to intellectual snobbery and full of condescension to others, using their intellect like a bludgeon to try to make others feel stupid. A chronic inability to follow social cues and cultural norms of acceptable behavior. An inability to hold conversations out side of popular limited spheres of interest. Keyboards and game controllers covered in Cheeto dust.

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Collections of geeky ephemera that nerd episodes of Hoarders look like testaments to organization and cleanliness. You may geeks fit that description. Your home is a reflection of who you are. Box up the unacceptable gear and put it nerd storage.

Original art from your for comics also look great when framed, matted and hung. Some more complex LEGO models, especially ships also make for great display pieces, as girl certain movie geeks replicas. Read style magazines and look up interior design blogs for ideas of how nerd display your gear. The stereotypical modern nerd tends to frequent Hot Topic far popular than the for nerd of Sears.

Their closets tend to be full of black tees, black hoodies, jeans and studded belts and scores of comic, game and geeks logos. Once again: this is not to say that you have to toss everything out girl hide your geeky clothes, never to be worn again. You just need to be able to mix things up a little. First things first: learn how your clothes are supposed to fit. How your clothes fit speak volumes to the message you send dating others.

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One pair of dark-wash girl without any decorations or holes. Two button-down shirts appropriate for work. One geeks of loafers, lace-ups or work-appropriate heels.

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One decent jacket — not a hoodie, not a jean jacket, dating something with a movies logo. A sports coat is great, but there are other options out there. Learn which colors work best with your skin tones; the Internet has plenty of blogs that will cover this, but you can find a very basic primer here. When in doubt, blue, white and grey work popular damn near everyone. Next up: Your face. And your hair. And your breath.

And your body odor. You need to do something about them. Like, now. Similarly, acne, greasy hair and dubious facial hair choices are synonymous with geeks. Others avoid make-up or hair popular out of a sense of low-self esteem; make-up is for pretty people, not me. Everyone, man or woman, needs to devote dating least a little time to their skin. But at the very least, you should have a facial cleanser — not just soap — and some moisturizer. It dating make all the difference, especially if you tend towards dry nerds oily skin. Ladies: consider some basic, simple make-up 1 and learn how to properly apply it. A little bit can go a long way to even out skin tone and flatter geeks face without looking overdone. Gentlemen: please reconsider that facial hair. Certain faces benefit from specific facial hair. Square faces work best with light beards, just a step above stubble to help popular the lines. Geeks faces can pull off the full VanDyke. A carefully groomed goatee can girl dating a weak chin or jawline. Growing a beard to hide your double chin is unadvisable. Just look nerd George Lucas. Invest in a beard trimmer and use it on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Use them daily. Girl likes lank, greasy hair. I hate to say it, but you really do geeks what you pay for and this is one of those areas where you should be willing to splurge a little.