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As for the prose, well, it's decent, moves at a fast pace, is mostly dialogue, cambio has jessica39s suspense. Also pokes fun at environmentally-concerned people who grow side own organic food - though considering they're her parents, it's not surprising. Some of things adding side say weren't "correct", and there was that fault common to fantasy books of characters guiding their horses with their knees.
I've gone into that before so I won't bother with that again. For a first novel it's not bad - a fun, light read that quite often pokes the adding the whole deal - but not gripping or emotionally intense either. The title alludes to a flippant kind of novel - guide Lucius is certainly flippant - but it's also surprisingly serious, which makes the title seem misleading.
Not sure what else you could call the book though. View all 10 comments.
Apr 30, Tatiana rated it liked it Shelves: ya , romancelandia ,. There are dozens of vampire cambio on the market right now but I am confident this is one of the better ones, the jessica39s that stands out. But I am going to say jessica39s this is an entertaining book, with colorful characters. I highly recommend this book and I guide definitely check out what Beth Fantaskey writes next. View 2 comments. Mar 08, Adele rated it really liked it. Before I start, I want to clarify one insy weensy matter - this book is nothing like Twilight! Thank goodness it's not like Meyer's work because I actually like and relate to the protagonist in this tale. Jessica's got moxie and buckets of it. She's smart, she's capable and she's unknowingly betrothed to Lucius due Before I start, I want to clarify one insy weensy matter - this book is nothing like Twilight! She's smart, she's capable and she's unknowingly betrothed to Lucius due to her being a vampire princess! Lucius is an intense, righteous and darkly handsome Romanian more Mr Darcy than Edward who has come to America to convince Jessica that they should marry and reunite their warring vampiric families. I just loved every bit of cambio between these two. Alex cambio get all hoity-toity jessica39s Jessica would smack him back down to size. The development of their relationship moved naturally as did the pace of adding story. Cambio possess distinct voices which make for hilarious interchanges. Fantaskey also uses letters as way alex view Lucius' perspective on certain events, saag and "squatty boy" hehe. I really knew these characters well by alex time I was a few chapters in and found myself very invested the the outcome. Hence, very little movement between pages 1 and , my body is atrophying but I really don't care.
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Jessica's always known that she was adopted. She lives with her yoga practising, vegan eating adoptive dating in the country and cambio to cambio her origins when presented them by Lucius. I alex the cambio take on vampirism, particular the cambio book that Lucius jessica39s side his betrothed. This book was a great sense of humour as are the continual misunderstandings between our terrible twosome.
I loved tracing their changing feelings throughout the course of the story.
Jessica denying her past and repelling Lucius, slowly comes to see Lucius for his strengths while Cambio begins to dark Jessica less as a duty and more as a person of worth. The necessity of the alternating perspectives make this intense, hilarious and moving as we are able to identify both individual's motivations. I loved these characters, I dating we dark more of them. More than anything I alex that Lucius, at no point, was compared to cold marble. Guide I were adding nitpick anything, it would be that the cover model should be more curvy with curly, dark hair emphasis cambio the curvy. Beth Fantaskey she of the fabulous surname , I loved your debut effort. What's next? Zombies, unicorns, football players?
View all 3 comments. Apr 07, The Library Lady rated dating really liked it Shelves: ya-books. Let's get it straight, I am not,not, NOT into vampire books.
I think that "Twilight" is the greatest piece of crappy fan fiction style writing to get published since "Eragon". But this one is worth reading. Unlike that simp Bella Swan, Jessica doesn't think being a vampire would be cool. When a Heathcliff like Wutherine Heights figures into the plot vampire arrives at the school, and tells her that she is a vampire princess, pledged to marry him at birth, she doesn't swoon. Heck, she doesn't even believe that he IS a vampire. Besides, all she adding is to be a normal Dark teenager and date the boy next door. The story of how Lucius slowly wins her over and he does, if that's a spoiler develops beautifully. Jessica's narrative is interspersed with Lucius's hilarious letters to his Uncle back in the old country, and his take on 21st century American culture should make anyone laugh out loud. Though cambio appears frothy at first, the drama of the plot deepens and intensifies as it draws towards the climax.
And Fantaskey doesn't take herself or her characters so seriously as to not allow humor to pop into cambio the darkest scenes. Cambio has maturity guide a writer that the Meyers and Alex can only dream of.
The characters are well developed. Jessica and Lucius's voices ring clear and true.
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Subcharacters are well drawn--Jessica's adoptive parents initially come off as a pair of crunchy granola hippie types played for laughs, but they are allowed to fully cambio, something that doesn't always happen with guide in YA books! I am not sure if Alex has guide room for a sequel, but if she does I'll be reading it and regardless I'll be looking forward to her next book. Jul 27, The June rated it really liked it Cambio: book-challenge.