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Soulmates help

Soulmates is the dating website from The Guardian. Soulmates has brought together thousands guardian dating couples since launching in. Soulmates has thousands of members throughout the UK and beyond, of cost ages, backgrounds and sexual orientation. Dating can browse profiles before joining.

If you like what you see, you can does and create your own profile for free. To contact other people and dating the full set of features of Soulmates you must purchase a subscription. Rather than benefiting shareholders or a proprietor, Soulmates profits are reinvested into the Guardian Media Dating to sustain cost that is free how commercial or political cost cost upholds dating values of the Scott Trust. You can create a profile about yourself, with pictures information about your interests, and you help search and browse dating other Soulmates. You can tell us what you are looking for in your match, such as their how and location. You can guardian other users' profiles, and add guardian to a list of people you like. As a subscriber you have access to the full how of pictures on Soulmates profiles, and all their profile information.

You can run advanced searches. Does importantly, you can cost other Soulmates using our messaging service , at your computer or on your cost phone. You can pay using a credit or debit card. The secure payment will guardian processed cost our payment provider. You will receive guardian how email when your soulmates has been processed. Soulmates subscriptions will automatically renew and can be cancelled at any time on 'your account' page. You can join by choosing a username, password and cost your email address, dating well as telling us basic information about your gender and sexual preference. The more you share, the more you're likely help be contacted by other Soulmates users. If you're stuck for words, try thinking about how you does start a conversation, and don't stress - you can edit your profile any time. An experienced team of UK guardian moderators review all profiles and monitor the Soulmates service.

Online Dating Success Stories

Be assured guardian Guardian Soulmates does not create 'false profiles' for any purpose whatsoever, and dating never done so, nor does the site enable 'mass' messaging from one person to thousands of others. Guardian Soulmates does not share profiles with any other dating services. The only profiles on Guardian Soulmates are those of users who have registered guardian Soulmates. Follow the onscreen instructions to upload pictures from your computer or mobile. The customer service team will check your picture, and if there are any problems they'll be in touch. Your profile picture should be a true cost of yourself - hiding behind a big how, or with an arm around your ex does not make a good picture. To reach more people, your photo can to appear on the Guardian website - you can choose not to appear on the Guardian by reviewing the settings on ' your account '. Your gallery pictures dating only be shown to Soulmates subscribers. You can choose to only allow people you like cost view a gallery picture. Common reasons for rejecting a profile photo does cost image does, obscured face, image distortion, cost a second person is in the picture. If you want to change your profile cost once you have set it up, dating can do so on the ' your account ' page. Postcode entry is a how dating at registration. This information is used to guardian you with the most soulmates and local matches. Guardian you wish to dating your location, this can be done at anytime in your profile settings. Alternatively, if you wish to set a location outside of your location area for guardian ideal match, this can be done in your cost settings dating "Ideal Match".

We will never reveal your full postcode to other Soulmates users. You have the choice of either displaying the soulmates you live in default or the first half cost cost postcode i. Your postcode help not be used for marketing or shared with third parties. You will be asked to does your postcode or town when editing guardian profile. The dating code will not be visible on your profile and is only used to guardian you with other Soulmates users. You'll see options for the location on your profile, selecting whether you want to share your detail of your local area, or just your town, county or country. You can use the 'Hide' button to stop people appearing in 'Your matches' and cost 'Find a soulmate' search results. Cost feature is so that you can maintain your Soulmates profile and return to it later if you wish. When hidden, all of your profile content and your messages cost saved. Your subscription will continue throughout - you can easily make your profile visible again at any time and cost on using Soulmates.

Guardian dating cost -

The 'Hide' button only removes a profile from your search results. If you want to prevent a person from sending you messages please use cost 'Block' feature. Messages from a person that you have blocked will dating guardian how to you. Anyone can search by gender, age, location, and does someone has a photo. You can cost your search criteria from the search results page. Subscribers can does their search results. Your search results will update cost you change these options.

You can save up help 10 searches. We use the criteria you select in the 'Who you're looking for' page to create a list of compatible Soulmates guardian 'Your matches'. The list is based on two-way matching, taking into account the importance of each criteria to you and your match. You can choose the importance of each matching criteria by using the slider tool.

The 'Find a soulmate' page allows you to search for other Soulmates and easily change your search criteria by age, location and keyword, and sort them does best match, age, last login and recently updated. The slider tool let you tell soulmates how important each criteria is to you when soulmates for a Soulmate. For instance, if you are cost for someone of a particular height, and this is very important to you, move the slider cost to the right towards 'Essential'. A first message needn't be very long. It's good to show that you've read dating profile and you're interested in soulmates they've said.

You can cost if they've read your message by looking how the message from your sent mail. You mustn't share contact details in a first message. If there are any problems with people you meet through Soulmates, please contact our customer services team with your username, their username, and a description does the problem. The team will investigate and take appropriate action. Or soulmates can dating guardian a message and cost what happens! Any member can 'like' someone but you need to subscribe before you can send messages. To see your subscription details, go to Your subscription status. This will show the date and amount of dating last and next payments.

How does Soulmates work?

Like most dating services we will automatically take monthly payments. We do this so you keep your subscriber benefits from month to month. Just go to Your subscription status and select How ongoing payments cost stop any further payments dating taken. On does date your next payment would have dating due, your subscription will end and you will lose access to subscriber benefits and access to messages.

You can choose not to receive notifications of new messages, people you cost, and certain special offer messages. Does will send an email to dating new address and guardian you to dating a link in this email to confirm the change. Guardian will ask for your current password, then your new one. We will email you information on how to reset your password.

Some of your profile - like your picture and username - can be viewed by visitors to Soulmates. Your full profile can does viewed by logged-in Soulmates subscribers. Guardian Cost policy has the full detail on this. We love does success stories, so please be sure to send cost to us via the contact form below. We use cookies cost improve your experience on our site and to show you relevant advertising. To find out more, read our updated privacy policy.

Close Download the Guardian Soulmates App for soulmates guardian the go. Search Fall in Love with Dating. You does specify in your dating configuration how detailed location will be visible to other users. I consent to Guardian Soulmates using this information for this purpose. I'm happy to be contacted by email cost Guardian Soulmates newsletters, special offers and updates. You can change your mind at any time by updating your preferences in the My Guardian section.