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Tagged plans to create more social games, several of which are already in development. Launched in , Pets was Tagged's first game and, as of May , remains the most popular. Site cash can be earned by best in site ways, such as frequently logging into Tagged, converting Tagged gold review the Pets Cash Bar into Pets Cash and using real money.

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Farm site introduced in May. Unlike Zynga 's Farmville on Facebook, there is no animation or farmer. Advancement is based virtual money dating by harvesting plants and site in the game. Site targeted at U.

The only way to add teens as friends is by knowing dating email dating or surnames to request the join, and dating younger user dating accept the friendship request. However, tagged security measures are not entirely successful. In February , a high school teacher was arrested tagged having sex with a year-old girl he had met on Tagged. The year-old teacher, who was not listed on site dating or national sex offender websites, had over female friends below the age of. They found "significant lapses" in Tagged's response to these reports. At a news conference, Cuomo referred to Tagged as "one of tagged worst tagged networking sites that we've encountered". As of February 20, , users must be at least 18 years old to have an account on Tagged. On April 6, , Washington D. Eighty percent of Tagged users also use Facebook. Online Display Ad Publishers for the first time. In Tagged , Site surpassed million registered members, of free a quarter to a third tagged active monthly. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tagged Type of site. Retrieved October 22,. Alexa Internet. Retrieved. Virtual Worlds News. March 1,. Symantec Connect. New York Times.

Site June 11,. MediaPost Publications. San Francisco Chronicle.

November 10,. Archived from the original on July 4,.

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Federal Trade Commission. Archived from the original on. Live Services Blog. July 26,. San Francisco Business Times.

Member Structure

April 25,. Archived from the original on October 7,.

Arabian Business. The Peninsula at Gulf Base. February 9,.

Tagged press release. January 21,. January 29,. May 18,.

Archived from the original on October 17,. Archived from the new PDF on. Social Media Advertising Consortium, Inc. Tagged September 21,.