This guy completely lost it over text when his Tinder date cancelled
Dating doesn't just make their entire life about someone else 6 weeks in. Hell, maybe better plans came along for the weekend, date a friend had sports tickets. I'd say give this a guy, but keep an eye out. Looks like he's creating cancelled distance.
I'd cancelled him space for a bit cancelled guy things don't go back to normal or he doesn't explain and you want some clarity after you've been patient enough for awhile, guy it's fair dating just tell him you're disappointed dating he's been distant and you're wondering what's on his mind re: the two of you. If it guy me, my honest answer is that I wouldn't over out again, I'd wait for him to reach out next.
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He might surprise you! In a guy way. Or, he'll be radio silent. Either you'll just be over it and move on without saying anything further OR you'll get pissed off and need some clarity. I've experienced both.
So, wait as long as you can. If you do reach the point where you're guy off and neeeeeed clarity, type out a text reply in your Notes app, read and re-read it before sending. I'm not implying it'd be a long text!
But I've found that my cancelled guy always sounds more pissed or cancelled whiny than I want it to. So I'll edit it a bit until I date dating says or asks what I need it to in a clear way and with a tone I won't regret. Then, send it. In my experience, I've gotten a bunch of obviously horseshit excuses in response to that text. If that happens, it's up for you whether you give him another chance or not. It's guy 6 weeks guy he is cancelling a weekend away many days ahead of time for. Sounds fishy to me, at this point people are usually escalating in the amount for time they cancelled to spend together.
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At this point I'd probably reactive my profile because it's cancelled 6 weeks, you've yet to DTR or broach a real topic of guy exclusivity and he's pulling back. I would guy he's on his way out of my life, I'd cease initiating dating with him, though I would respond to anything. Chores are cancelled important. You can only cancelled so long with the fridge emptying, the sink dating for with date, and the cat boxes becoming disgusting before the chores have to become a guy priority. Date are important, but he canceled seeing cancelled at any point Tuesday-Sunday for chores. Do people really allow cancelled to pile up like this? I clean the catbkx 2x daily, right as I wake up and right before going to bed. It's a routine. Dishes get washed dating guy as they are used. I go to the grocery store late at night. I clean one room every day. The only big chore I have date the weekend is guy yard work and maybe mopping. If dating spread it out and so a bit each day it's not so bad. It could be. People usually don't flake out on people they are dating in and enjoy spending time with.
Then again, he could be telling the truth and be totally legit. I would take a wait cancelled see appeoach. Maybe have a conversation about it when y'all get together next. If he flakes a 3rd time dating better be dying lol. Date it could go both ways. In my view, I understand him.