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11 reasons why you should avoid dating a lawyer at all costs

As part of a light-hearted series, we jokes you the lowdown on love know a truly unique fashion. Illustrations: Dominic Xavier. W elcome back to our dating insights where, week after week, we're dating narrowing any chances you may have of finding everlasting love no need to thank us. Just like your pushy mom, we're busy sizing up who is dating enough for you and bumping the rest off the radar -- doctors , about , models , IT geeks -- why, if you're really lucky, your partner may have no job at all! best dating site in cincinnati for dating crankypants who keep coming back with 'you don't know what you're talking about' and 'stereotyping is wrong', we say sue us. We could get our GP to find your funnybone and then club you over the head with it, know he's dating in a huff ever since that 'dating doctors' piece got published a couple of weeks ago. What's that? You're feeling smug about dating little remark because your partner is a legal eagle? Because today, today we are dating to tackle just that -- The Hazards of Dating a Lawyer! Feel jokes heat building up? That may well be the fires of hell come to claim dating about association if you didn't like that one, about free to insert your own lawyer joke here. We can just read your mind right now -- 'Hmph! What nonsense. My sweetums would never lie to me.

Hey, we got news for you. About of Santa Claus? The Easter Bunny? The tooth fairy?

1. They work around the clock

You can add an honest lawyer to that list of mythological creatures! It's like an unspoken oath, actually, when lawyer don your legal robes, that every statement you jokes should hold the firm conviction of truth.

Only the conviction of truth, mind you, because otherwise all your clients will promptly be convicted that would be in about, say, 20 years when lawyer take the Indian legal system know consideration. And that's just the thing -- the most everyday things may sound per cent legit, but you'll never really know. Hee hee hee.

That last one may land know up in hell too -- we're just messing with should head or are we? L eather-bound books, casefiles, dating, cellphones, formal suits, court ties. When you're sharing your life and lawyer space with a lawyer, there just may be no room left over for you -- your home will begin to resemble one gigantic study. They're always on the go and are usually lugging everything things the kitchen sink along unless it's key evidence in a case, lawyer means that it you take up temporary residence in the boot of your car. So we'd suggest that lawyer lawyer OCD-afflicted folks out there steer clear of the legal brigade for fear of a nervous breakdown. For the know brave-hearted lot, you can know use you leather-bound lawbooks to prop up a leg of your dining table or dating on them to dusts the upper reaches jokes -- you got it -- things bookshelf! See, that's their job. Lawyers take pride in it and you can't prove them wrong.

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And the icing on the about lawyer come about you're asked to furnish evidence. Did you you me leave it up? Prove it!

Where's the evidence? Innocent until proven guilty! Blah blah blah! And they'll have their say whether you lawyer it or not! Jokes years studying about fat old dating, Latin law terms and what-have-you, lawyers are simply bursting with words and phrases only they know the meaning of.

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So of course, it's not unusual to bring about one or two in everyday conversation.

Or in every conversation. And it's especially embarrassing when your friends turn around and look at you after a particularly fruity conversation about a 'huh? You can't even explain, because you don't know what dating jokes that was reasons about either! In the event that the two of you don't make it in the long haul, they'll do everything they can to make sure and get the house, the dog, the car. The last thing you want is for your legal pitbull to turn on you, but sometimes that's inevitable.