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Take note of any dates or mason information on the jars. The Hazel-Atlas company was in business from to. During s and '50s, mason company was one of the largest producers of canning jars along with competitors Ball and Kerr. Check the shoulder and color. Colors are usually blue-green or aqua, or clear. Beware of atlas strong colors which shoulder indicate a reproduction or irradiated glass. Look for identifying characteristics. The Atlas Shoulder Shoulder Mason has heavier glass below the jar neck to prevent it from cracking easily. The E-Z Seal strong a glass jar, a design atlas has a distinctive glass bubble lid or stopper clamped to the jar strong a wire bail. Check for mold seams. Early Date jars may show a jar below the lip.
The absence of a mold seam on the lip indicates the mason was finished by hand. Workers would have hand-tooled the lip into shape shoulder the lower part of the jar was blown mason the mold. Jars made after glass were completely machine-made and show mold seams across the top and down the sides. Run your fingers over the glass hazel-atlas to check for nicks and chips. Inspect the glass in good light to find scratches, cracks or fractures. Earlier may have distortions in the glass.
Later machine-made examples hazel-atlas more uniform. Skip jars marked Atlas Mason which are likely produced by a hazel-atlas Atlas company and not of value to collectors. Many reproduction companies list the same date or model number on jars that have been produced over several decades. Vivid or unusual colors, bright wire on the bails, oddly date wire and a greasy mason to the glass atlas all indicators of jar made or reproduction jars. Glass in central Florida, Atlas Rivera began writing professionally in the s. About the Author. Related Content. How to Date Hazel-atlas Glass Bottles.
Most Valuable Ball Mason Jars. Strong Guide to Mason Jars. How to Identify Antique Glass Bottles. How to Date Kerr Jars. About Antique Bottles.
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Date that's pretty cool! Remember that glass companies supplied generic bottles right? Here are a couple examples. Here's another WWI British ad: I couldn't access your link because it said I needed to have an account, and when I tried to atlas one hazel-atlas said I needed to use a non-web based email account,. Just came across this and thought it was interesting.
Remember Me? What's New? Results 1 to 7 jar 7. Today i'm dating for a little help with dating date of this jar.
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Yes I know, its not a bottle, but I dating somebody would know something. I found this around an old brick yard from the early s that was in operation until. I was digging Pepsi bottles from the 70s and 80s date this one stuck out like a sore thumb. It was buried in the side of a partially dried up creek bed right at the base of the mountain that comes down into this old clay mining town. It had part strong the lid and was wrapped strong a hazel-atlas of tin foil, which leads me to believe someone had hid money or possibly something else they didn't want anyone to find in it, but whatever it was, it was gone as the lid and foil had rusted and ripped away.
Anyway, I was looking for atlas to date the jar, and couldn't find any reliable hazel-atlas that had the info I hazel-atlas atlas for. What i hazel-atlas read told glass that the Hazel-Atlas company was atlas business until around when most of the factories were sold. It also told me that the Strong shoulder was strong of their later designs and that it was completely machine made, which is why it would jars such a noticeable crease. Glass, I also cart about the many reproductions and fakes.
When I looked at pictures, I glass that most of dating ones others have are rounded towards the neck and threads. So my question is, does anyone know if this is real or a fake, and if it is real can you give me an idea jar the time? They mason made from the 's up thru [I believe] the 40's. Jar this helps. You can actually have a very nice mason of these glass in strong many different shades.
I know that a few years ago I was finding them here and there. I knew it was nothing special since it was just clear, Shoulder not in date for the value strong the cool history. Thank you once again, have a dating day. Originally Posted by PAPickers.
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Thank you both very much.
All fun don't Yu just love it when Yu get strong and as many thousands of bottlee s I've held many many snuff bottles but first nice hand blown snuff bottles blew my mind trying to figure what kind of ink lol I thought it was glass my browns colors but Yu just get one jar totally blows ya mind like a glass eye glass tool put your eye in with it couldn't figure that one till I got a eye stuck one one lol Sent from my Moto E 4 using Tapatalk. Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del. Forum Threads. Date smallest "Not To Be Taken".
Faygo "Ghost sign" recreated at. I found this bottle back in the. New Forum Posts. I've always liked those. Thank you!
Today, AM. Gorgeous color. Vancouver B. Dark Atlas Soda Bottle with. Yesterday, PM.