
- ”Tibetan traditional arts are special and unique, story and totally for the benefit of all human beings by all means, so these 58 movements of Seamm-Jasani is a big part of them, especially for the benefit and achievements for our body and mind.” – Thupten Norbu (Ph.D. in Buddhist and writer, Lhasa, Tibet.)
- American Dream Book of the Month: “Seamm-Jasani, an ancient Tibetan movement system, teaches us how to look and feel younger than our biological age, to increase health and decrease illness, and to find inner peace, calm, and relaxation.” – Mon-talk © with Ingrid Lemme, USA
- “I have worked as a medical doctor in Norway for thirty years and have always looked for simple ways to help people integrate body and mind and prevent illness. In discovering the Seamm-jasani exercises, I have found the perfect tool, and the use of the exercises presented in this book is spreading by word of mouth in Norway. I can testify that these unassuming exercises truly are life-changing!” – Dr. Audun Myskja, Norway
- “As a physician, I know people need to breathe and move in healthy ways to maximize their functions. How wonderful to find a well developed and time tested system of movements that create this health, a sense of joy, and the ability to protect oneself while the student is actually relaxing throughout the class!.” – L. Wolfe (MD, Pediatric Hematology / Oncology, USA)
- “I lack words when it comes to describing such an impressive thing as Boabom: so much can be said about it, yet there is not one single way to define it, for it combines many different factors which, when united, allow a person to reach an amazing level of fulfillment in their life.” – Saulo Díaz (MD, UFRJ, Brazil)
- “I realized that this effect had been consciously created by the Boabom system. Boabom, undergirded by the physical and spiritual preparation of the Seamm-Jasani preliminaries, is a coded, non-obvious work of ancient genius. You could say it is a form of ancient secret ‘technology’ – a fantastically sophisticated technology of safe access to the very highest voltages of the universal energies.” – Scott Meredith (PhD Theoretical and Computational Linguistics, USA)